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Writing is one of my passions. I started to write for Centenary's student Newspaper, the Conglomerate.

Some of my articles and Newsfeatures are on this page.

Articles and Newsfeatures

Writing for the Conglomerate has been an exciting experience to me, while I was at Centenary College. I reported on events, took interviews from faculty members and, of course, did the profile portraits of international students who were attending Centenary at the same time. Nevertheless, my main theme of interest was Art as an educational component of the College experience. Most of my articles were about exhibits and events in the Meadows Museum.     

Speak out at the Speech and Debate Club

by Stefan Pressyanov

Centenary’s long awaited Speech and Debate club has just taken off and is now here. So what does that mean and what is all about? It’s about advocating your point, sharpening your speech skills and building leadership, while getting instant feedback by students like you. We are still in the beginning, so come and join us.
Here, you can freely share (and debate with others) your opinions, views, ideas or proposals on any on-campus, local, national, international, planetary or inter-galactic issues. Don’t forget to say which one of these you are going to talk about when you come to meeting. The Speech and debate club is open to everybody who wants to make a positive impact through dialogue and discussion on any topic.
If you are enthusiastic about something and want to make it happen, here you can find a group of fellow supporters who are willing to help you develop your idea and eager to back it up when presenting it in front of other on-campus organizations.
Concentrated on speech skills development, we aim to create a productive debating atmosphere. If you want to be a part of this new and exciting group, please email our Secretary at to be included in our mailing list and to learn more about when are our weekly meetings.
Coming to meetings prepared and with a topic or proposal in mind is always a plus. You can also bring with you a lined written proposal or a picture or photo, sign, lego blocks, puzzles, guitar, diving suit, candy-floss or whatever you consider necessary to explain yourself and your idea better.
We are looking forward to seeing you (and debating with you) soon!

4 Tips for Studying Abroad

by Stefan Pressyanov

Published on The Writer´s Shack

Studying abroad is a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture and experience a country like the locals do.

Whether you go for a month or for a year and whether in a big city or a small town, here are 4 useful tips to ensure you’re ready for anything you might run into.


Do your recon:

Every country has its idiosyncrasies and local customs that will effect everything from what time you go to a restaurant to how to act at a nightclub party.

My advice – when you first get to the country, familiarise yourself with the local culture and habits/traditions. I’ve spent time in Spain and the US, so I’ll use them as examples. In Spain, people are very friendly and sociable. The lifestyle there consists of going out on weekends and spending the night on the streets or bar-hopping between many different small bars and nightclubs. Spanish culture is very friendly, so it’s perfectly fine to talk to anybody you meet.

This is not the case in the US, even in places as cool and hip as New Orleans. I found in the US, people are more wary of talking to strangers on the street.


Finding somewhere to lay your head:

If you’re staying somewhere beyond a few weeks, or studying long term abroad, you basically have three options: renting an apartment or villa, renting a room in share accommodation, or staying in dorms.

In Spain, it is cheaper to rent or share an apartment, but in the US, the costs are about the same. Keep in mind that if you are renting, many places will require you stay a minimum of 6 months, which can restrict you.


Meet the locals:

The best way to experience a local culture is to spend time with the locals, learning about their lifestyles. Social media has made it easier than ever to find out about local events. As you make more friends, you’ll find yourself getting invited to social events. Dinner parties, short trips into the countryside, days at the beach… In this way, you will discover things only the locals know about. Don’t be scared, but do ask lots of questions. Understand exactly what the invitation is for. There are plenty of guides over the internet and in bookstores where you can check what is normal and what is suspicious in the country where you are.

In Spain, parties are big and are usually held on the street in the city centers, in bars, in the parks, and in big nightclubs. In the United States, they are mostly in the format of house-parties, except in the bigger cities.

One thing I found hard to get used to was the number of people who go armed to parties in the US, and it isn’t unheard of for their to be a shoot out at a party. In Spain, on the other hand, shootings rarely happen, though there are other dangers (mostly related to getting too drunk).

Just remember, every country has its dangers. Being aware of them will help you stay out of trouble.

Culture shock: 

If you stay away from home for longer than a month, at some stage, you’re going to experience culture shock. For me, it happened between 6 and 12 months. Culture shock can even masquerade as physical ailments but just remember, like everything, it will pass. Of course, the degree to which you are susceptible to culture shock also depends on how used you are to travelling.


At the end of the day, being polite and showing respect to your hosts is just as important for a successful trip as the contacts and friendships you will make. But one thing is sure – studying abroad, even for a short time, will have a lasting impact on your life.

​Carolyn Nelson Exhibit @ Meadows

by Stefan Pressyanov

From November 7th, 2010 until January 30th, 2011, The Meadows Museum of Art is going to host a new exhibit entitled and featuring “Works from the Collection of Carolyn Nelson”. With a total of 29 paintings of both American and European artists from the second half of the ninetieth century on, the exhibition presents mainly landscape drawings, portraits, people and street scenes. The great majority of artists are impressionists and post-impressionists, thus fundamental for the understanding of the foundations of Modern art. 
            While some of the drawings are sketches, a part of them (such as “Dancer adjusting her slipper”) are not only really figurative, tracing only the basic lines of the image, but also they are creating interesting combinations of geometric forms and shapes that become distinctive and characteristic for the image itself.
            Other pieces (such as “French Quarter Courtyard” by Alberta Kinsey, american painter who worked in New Orleans) have most of the traits of impressionism (design, the use of brushstrokes) that strengthen the impact produced by the painting over the viewer.
            “Early morning Low Tide” is a pastel work by Philadelphia born landscape artist Birge Harrison. The Combinations of blue tonalities are intended to transmit to the spectator the scale of the tide, the mysterious atmosphere created by the weakness of the winter Sun and the feeling of seclusion conveyed through the small house at the bottom left corner. The author was also an important representative of the American tonalist movement.
             The sketch “Figures in the forest: Ville d’Array” by XVIII century French realist painter Jean Baptiste Camille Corot is an intriguing country or park landscape depiction. It is reflecting not only natural environment at the time of Corot, but also how people of his time used to dress, behave, get together as well as some of their habits.
            One of the most famous portrait artists of the ninetieth and early twentieth century, Cecilia Beaux is also represented in the exhibition through her work “Portrait of Albert Hickman”. Although she is more famous with her portraits of some of the most powerful politicians of her time such as Clemanceau, this picture of businessman (and evanescent politician) A. Hickman provides the viewer with information on some of the basic characteristics of her style, such as the combination in the middle between straight and in profile position of subject’s head.

The exhibit is a great opportunity for every Centenary student to explore the history of some of the most important XIX and XX century art movements, to feel the spirit of those times and to understand the ways in which modern art was influenced and shaped by the impressionist, postimpressionist, realist, pointillist and tonalist movements.

Meadows Museum of Art 

Que dice “Miel para Oshun” sobre como la revolucion cubana de 1959 ha afectado la vida diaria de los cubanos y las relaciones entre los diferentes miembros de la familia (Roberto, Carmen, Pilar)? Que dice la pelicula del estado cubano y su tratamiento de los ciudadanos? En que sentido ha mejorado su vida – o no?


by Stefan Pressyanov

En la pelicula “Miel para Oshun” se ven reflejados de una manera indirecta el estado de la sociedad y de la familia cubanas despues de la Revolucion de 1959. La pregunta de como esta afecto a estas entidades surge desde el principio del filme y se intenta explicar en las proximas lineas.
Siendo la base fundamental de la organización del pais, la familia como ente independiente ha sido, en muchos casos, separada por la ola de inmigracion hacia el extranjero debido al estado politico y economico de Cuba tras la Revolucion socialista. Roberto, uno de los dos protagonistas que vuelve a su patria tras decadas de exilio tambien forma parte de esta triste historia de cambios y reencuentros familiares, años perdidos sin verse unos a otros los miembros de las misma familia y olvido.
En este sentido, las relaciones entre los distintos miembros familiares se han visto afectadas negativamente, lo cual no solo se ha debido al abandono del pais por parte de muchos intelectuales, pensadores, artistas, politicos y todo tipo de personas despues de la Revolucion.  Tambien se ha debido a las persecuciones politicas y al mediocre estado de la comunicación y los modos para establecerla entre Cuba y el extranjero y especialmente Estados Unidos, particularmente por el embargo y el estricto control de fronteras. La pelicula dice mucho sobre el estado cubano. La falta de medios de transporte, la escacez economica, la inseguridad y la mano fuerte del gobierno que puede llegar a cualquiera en varias circunstancias, si se sospecha cualquier intento de ir contra el regimen o la personalidad de los dirigentes de este. Asimismo se puede decir que aunque desde un punto de vista economico y de bienestar material, la vida diaria en este pais a empeorado en las ultimas decadas, desde un punto de vista social, se extendieron numerosos beneficios sociales (entre ellos educacion superior publica gratuita y medicina). Si la vida diaria cubana ha mejorado en algun sentido desde entonces, este seria el sentido de la formacion de una comunidad o sentido de comunidad entre los ciudadanos que viven en una misma zona o ambito geografico. La ayuda prestada a los protagonsitas durante su busquedas por los habitantes locales muestra como la sociedad y sus diversos componentes y grupos se pueden apoyar y se apoyan unos a otros en una situacion de crisis constante , que afecta el pais y su poblacion casi en su totalidad. Ademas, aunque la escacez de productos a veces pueda llevar a periodos de hambre, en general la vida en esta sociedad se mantiene en un estado de balance complicado, que sin embargo permite a todos vivir relativamente bien, desde un punto de vista filosofico, con una tranquilidad y despreocupacion que a veces es dificil de encontrar en muchos paises democraticos y de sistemas capitalistas en el mundo. 

Ensayo: “En el Reino de este mundo, Como presenta Carpentier la experiencia y la realidad de la raza negra? En que se difiere su experiencia y su perspectiva de las de la cultura europea? En que sentido es similar lo que se presenta en “La ultima cena”? Pensando en algunas ideas, temas o imágenes de la novela y la pelicula, donde ves una o dos conexiones fuertes?

En “El Reino de este mundo” , Alejo Carpentier muestra la experiencia y la realidad de la raza negra desde el doble punto de vista de su lugar o estatus social por una parte y su cultura, tradiciones y mitologia, por otra, que esta afectando su modo de actuar, ver, comprender e interpretar la realidad empirica. Las tradiciones y modos de ver el mundo adoptados por los dos esclavos protagonistas llevan al lector a ver y experimentar la realidad del modo de los personajes principales de la novela. Por otra parte, la experiencia y la perspectiva de la raza negra se diferencian de la cultura europea principalmente por la manera en que se organizan alrededor de las creencias de los esclavos que son su representacion.
“El Reino de este Mundo” es asimismo similar a la pelicula “La ultima Cena” en cuanto a lo que se presenta como vision, percepcion y actuacion de los personajes. Aunque algunos elementos, como la crueldad del supervisor en la pelicula aparecen algo mas fuertes que las escenas de crueldad en el libro de Carpentier, la perspectiva de las dos razas en cuanto a sus actitudes concretas es bastante similar. La inspiracion por las creencias espirituales de los esclavos para actuar en contra de sus señores es comun para el acto de sublevacion que se presenta en la pelicula y las metamorfosis que suceden en el libro con uno de los esclavos que empieza a vengarse de los blancos. Mas especificamente, las interacciones entre los esclavos tanto en la pelicula como en el libro señalan un modelo similar de los personajes de relacionarse entre si por una parte e interactuar con  la realidad por otra. Aunque en el libro no hay un equivalente exacto del conde de La Ultima Cena, en su rol de salvador y mentor, si hay una relacion indirectamente caracteristica de las apariencias de los reyes de los blancos en la mentalidad del protagonista y la apariencia del conde. Esta relacion es aparente, si se ve la escena en el que este, al lavar los pies de sus esclavos para demostrar alguna especie de humildad, en realidad lo que se perecibe es  algun tipo de ridiculez e impotencia, asi como falta de fuerza fisica para ser un lider verdadero.
Algunas de las relaciones fuertes son la apariencia de convivencia pacifica y la realidad de dos cosmovisiones distintas por parte de los dos grupos principales. La perspectiva supersticiosa, espiritual y proporcional a lo que se percibe como familiar por los esclavos, por una parte, determina sus modos de actuar y establece semejanzas entre los personajes de dos obras distintas. Por otra, la perspectiva mas materialista, empirica y en servicio del interes propio sin necesariamente mostrar poder fisico caracteriza a los propietarios de los esclavos en ambas obras.

The March for Life

by Stefan Pressyanov

A foggy, freezing cold afternoon in downtown Washington. Drizzling rain makes the cold weather feel even cooler. Yet, the excited mood of the large groups of pedestrians contrasts sharply with the it. Busses and groups of people are occupying the space in front and around the National Archives and the Air and Space Museum. At the same time, a lady in her late fifties is speaking thru a megaphone to the crowd, consisting mostly of a mix of high school students and seniors.
"I´ve been doing this for almost ten years now" tells me Joan McKee, a native from Philadelphia. "And we are here to commemorate this sad anniversary since the Roe V. Wade anti-life decision of the Supreme Court." I am following her in the rain as she continues to talk thru the megaphone.
At some point she gives it to another younger woman from hispanic background to continue with the speech. Meanwhile, she hands me out a brochure of presidential candidate Randall Terry, an outspoken pro-life activist. She claims that he is very straightforward and always shows photos of dead babies in his ads on local TV stations. Joan looks very excited. A native of Pennsylvania, now a Washington DC resident, she is one of the most active persons in the rally.  Although now she is in her fifties, she is so passionate and full of energy, reminding of the way many young people today are and even more should be.
Joan McKee starts telling me a story of more than twenty years ago when she was living in Philadelphia. In her words, she knew two young women who were decided to make abortions, because their babies would complicate too much and probably ruin their lives and those of her families. Apparently Mrs. McKee was working with some social services programs at that time. Through many conversations, referrals and daily calls and support to those women, Mrs McKee says she had them opt out of the abortion option and give birth to their babies.
Mrs. McKee said she was particularly proud with what she had accomplished and also commented that both babies are now girls who are going to Graduate School in Philadelphia.
As the crowd dissipates, the empty, foggy paisage returns again.


Trends for 2013:

Home-Based Franchises

by Stefan Pressyanov

One of the areas of franchising that has experienced the strongest growth in the past five years has been the one of home-based franchises. It not only holds additional convenience at the work place, but also opportunities for rapid future development. In choosing a home-based franchise, some of the keys for success are in the detailed analysis of the potential franchisee’s goals and passions.

Finding the best choice for home-based franchise requires previous research. Evaluation criteria on the self-scoring chart should include determining personal strenghts, weaknesses, talents, interests and values. One of the advantages of home-based franchises is the chance to combine Family lifestyle and business. On the other hand, this is also a double-edged blade, since it requires additional discipline and ability for self-control and self-management in a home environment.

Some of the most important questions to answer at the time of starting your own home-based business include:
Have you discussed your business plans with your family and do they fully understand what it entails?
Do you work well without supervision?
Do you manage your time well?
Do you enjoy working by yourself for prolonged periods?

While startup costs for home-based franchises range from the absolute minimum of $ 1,600 in liquid to $295,000, most franchisors focus in the range between $3,500 and 75,000. But the initial investment for some of the most popular home-based U.S. franchises rounds the even lower $5,000 to 30,000 threshold. Yet some of the top home-franchisors have traditionally been in the home-repairs (ServPro, Snap-on-tools), commercial cleaning (CleanNet) and consulting sectors (Franchise Training Institute).

According to the most recent statistics, in 2013, senior care franchisors are the ones to have experienced the most steady growth, followed by tutoring and home-helper ones. Some of the most successful ones are The Senior’s Choice, Comfort Keepers and Home Helpers.

In-home entertainment and body-building has been another sector to experience growth in the number of franchisees in recent years. Jazzercise, ranked 3rd best home-based franchise by the Entrepreneur Magazine for 2012 provides unique body-conditioning and choreography training courses that have boosted their international franchisees to 1,474 in addition to more than 7,000 already operating in the U.S. and Canada. It is also the third fastest-growing home-based franchise.

While being a great low-cost opportunity for new business owners, with one of the highest growth rates in the sector, home-based franchisors are still not as popular in Europe. Nevertheless, for 2013, the fastest growing franchising businesses internationally include Subway and 7/11 (gas stations), which are immediately followed by two home-based franchises: Jan-Pro and Vanguard cleaning systems.


Jan-Pro Franchising Co. targets commercial and small business customers offering professional cleaning services with special concentration on research and continuously decreasing the amount of industrial chemicals contained in their cleaning products.

Finally, for those interested in the tourist sector, Cruise Planners is a home based franchise that focuses on preparing personalized trip packages for the generation of baby-boomers, dinkies (double income, no kids) and seniors.


​McDonald's Ray Kroc: A scalibility of Success


by Stefan Pressyanov

Ray Kroc, perhaps the entrepreneur who achieved the maximum scalability of an idea in the history of franchising, was born in 1902 in the village of Oak Park, Illinois. As young as 15, he started working in the beverage section of the store of his uncle in Chicago. He became interested in business and soon dropped out of school to start selling paper and plastic cups for Lilly-Tulip Cup Co. where he quickly became the best salesman. At age 37, he met Earl Prince, a customer of him who had devised a mixing machine that could prepare several milkshakes at a time. Fascinated by its efficiency, Kroc started selling it and soon was given the exclusive marketing rights of the Multimixer. However, it took him yet another decade as a salesman, before he thought of the fast-food business as a path for growth. One day he got an unusually large order for 8 Multimixers from the small fast-food chain of the brothers Mac and Dick McDonald in San Bernardino, California. His surprise made him travel to see the organization that needed so many machines at once. What he found out was a business organized with a nearly perfect product assembly line that focused on 4 products: 15 cent burgers, 10 cent fries, beverages and milkshakes. Unusually for the fast food business, there was no drive-through, so the clients had to enter the store to make their purchase.  Even though, the efficiently structured assembly line made for the orders to be ready in one minute. When Kroc came up to the brothers with the franchising proposal, they said they were not interested in expanding the business, but agreed to give him the rights to sell franchises.

"When you are green, you are growing, when you’re ripe, you rot" used to say Kroc and he definitely wanted to grow. However, his initial 2% royalty proposal seemed too high to the McDonald brothers, but they eventually agreed to let him collect 1,9% of future franchisees’ sales, half of which went to them. Ray sold his first franchise in 1955 and 18 more in the first year. Nevertheless, even now, the small royalty didn’t give Kroc the growth and turnover he wanted to achieve with McDonald’s.

A couple of months later, he met with financier Harry Sonneborn, who eventually became his business partner and who came up with the idea of buying, developing and then renting the Real Estate needed for every new restaurant to all new franchisees. In 1961, Kroc finally bought the rest of the McDonald’s brothers business, except for the original restaurant, for 2,7 million dollars. By the end of the sixties, McDonald’s had more than 1500 franchisees.  In 1963, franchisee Willard Scott from Washington DC created the Ronald McDonald mascot to boost sales in the region.

But Kroc continued improving the brand and even wrote a new detailed 75 page guide for every aspect of running a McDonald’s restaurant. By the time of his death in 1984, a franchisee opened a new restaurant every 17 hours.

Even after his formal retirement, he continued working in his San Bernardino office, overseeing the functioning of the company and liked to call the manager of the nearby McDonald’s to check on his store and to remind him to pick up the thrash and turn off the lights after closing.v


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